Want to increase your daily traffic? How about convincing Google to visit your site more often? There are plenty of ways you can do both, but one of the quickest, simplest, and most cost-effective steps you can take is to start your own blog.

I am not saying maintaining a Blog is a no-brainer, it takes thought and hard-work just like anything else, but the pay-offs are enormous.

Blogs have quickly become one of the most widely used marketing tools on the internet today for one simple reason… They Work! They give the search engines exactly what they are looking for and, if done well, help you built your very own following. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

No, this article is focused on promoting your Blog Properly to ensure The MOST TRAFFIC POSSIBLE! And so, on with the show:

1. This one is huge, that’s why it is number 1! If you don’t do this, then you might as well not bother with any of the other steps either because you have already shot yourself in the foot.

Here is the big secret… Every time you write a new blog entry, PING IT!!! Blog & Ping, Blog & Ping, Blog & Ping… That is how it works, every Ping can be directly translated into hits on your web pages, so BLOG & PING!!! Pinging is simply notifying all the various major Blog Directories on the Internet that you have a new post; every time you Ping, those directories will come and take a look at what you had to say…

2. Read other peoples Blogs, leave meaningful comments, and leave behind your own Blog URL and name! Make sure you spend a few minutes to write something meaningful to the topic, or else your comment will likely get deleted.

3. Submit your Blog URL Directly to the Search Engines. You can submit your URL directly to most major search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing all offer submit pages), but we recommend a tool that will submit your URL to MANY engines in one go.

There are a couple of free solutions available, but if you are serious about increasing your traffic, you should definitely look into a paid service. This doesn’t mean you have to pay a lot… there are paid services like Submit Fire which are very economical (less than $10 per month) and give you tracking tools too!

Yahoo now also looks for a sitemap of your URL’s, but they want a simple text file, just URLs and nothing else.

5. Post often and (did we mention Ping? Oh Yeah, we did back in step 1… There is a reason Pinging is listed first!?) use track backs if your Blog software provides the functionality.

6. Posting at the right time of day may provide more traffic; Experiment with this a little. Certainly, your traffic will depend on the topic you blog on and the group of people you are blogging too, but the time of day you blog is also critical. We have found that a Blog just before lunch (East Coast hours!) and another around 4 or 5 will drastically increase our daily traffic. Even if you write your Blog while you are up watching Letterman, save it and don’t post it (or make it live to the public) right away.

Those are the big 6!! There are more certainly and some of them very good, but that is all the space we have in this article!

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