What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced from the mother’s mammary glands during the first 72 hours after birth. It provides life-supporting immune and growth factors that ensure the health and vitality of the newborn.

Why do we need Colostrum?

As we age, we notice it takes us a little longer to fight off a cold or flu, we become more vulnerable to disease, our energy and enthusiasm lessen, our skin loses its elasticity, we gain unwanted weight, and lose muscle tone. After maturity, we gradually lose the immune and growth factors in our bodies. This impacts us to search for anti-aging and health products and knowledge. We’ve looked to plants and minerals for an answer, isolating and mega-dosing on vitamins and minerals. Aging, illness, and death occur with the loss of immune and growth factors in our bodies. Medical science has shown in many published reports worldwide that these can possibly be replaced in the human body with bovine colostrum.

Bovine colostrum is not new. In India, for thousands of years, Ayurvedic physicians and spiritual leaders have documented the physical and spiritual health benefits of colostrum. It is dried and delivered by the milkman and is known for its healing and therapeutic ability. Scandinavian countries have been making a delicious colostrum pudding and dessert topped with honey, for hundreds of years, to celebrate the birth of calves and good health. It was used in the US as an early antibiotic that was in much favor until the discovery of penicillin and other antibiotics.

In the late 18th Century, Western scientists began to study colostrum and document its benefits for survival, growth, and development for the newborn. Today, there are thousands of published scientific and clinical studies of major health benefits associated with colostrum.

What is Lactoferrin?

Lactoferrin helps increase natural iron bio-availability, is a powerful antioxidant, and helps support a healthy immune system.

Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein found in human secretions like tears, saliva, milk, and mucous

Helps enhance iron transport and absorption

Helps promote a healthy balance of natural intestinal flora

Helps increase the bioavailability and absorption of nutrients in the body and helps decrease the bioavailability of iron to pathogens

May have anti-aging properties by helping prevent the formation of free radicals that trigger oxidation

Helps contribute to host defense against pathogens by protecting lymphocytes against free iron

What are plant sterols?

Plant sterols are extracts of certain plants that, when ingested, inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine. Thus, dietary cholesterol never gets into the system.

Plant sterols are present naturally in small quantities in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals, legumes, vegetable oils, and other plant sources. Plant stanols occur in even smaller quantities in many of the same sources. Both stanols and sterols are essential components of plant cell membranes and structurally resemble cholesterol. Foods supplemented with plant sterols may reduce cholesterol and are a promising addition to interventions aimed at lowering heart disease risk.

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