There are many days that get started off with a frightful scream or heartbreaking dismay from both men and women. The source of this shock and disappointment is an inflamed greasy and oily clogged up skin pore.

Acne is an unwelcome blemish on anyone’s face; it can be quite painful too. If left untreated, acne can leave an unpleasant scar on the face, neck, or back. Unlike the common pimple, acne can be inflamed and possibly turn out to be infected.

Hormones that go into overdrive during the teen years of a person cause acne, they produce an excess of oil deposits in the glands resulting in this skin blemish. While they are not particularly life-threatening or are they extremely painful and disturbing they can leave permanent scars in the affected area.

Acne usually happens around the teenage years, from 13 to 19, and usually disappears thereafter. Different people have different levels of seriousness of acne infection. These will all depend on the amount of oils and dirt the face has. While some have minor infections that can be treated by simply washing the affected area, there are those that necessitate the consultation of a dermatologist or a skin expert.

Acne may not seem to be a serious matter for some, but it is an infection that can greatly affect many. There are people with acne who locks themselves up in their rooms waiting for the acne to disappear. It is a serious blemish that they cannot show to the world. Every year, ointments and acne medication has estimated sales of over a hundred million dollars. This just shows how many people are dead serious in eliminating acne.

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